Gutter Constructions
I call my collages made from comic books “Gutter Constructions”, as a “gutter” refers to the negative space which divides up the panels on the page. The material for the initial “Gutter Constructions” was sourced from pages of a comic book featuring Steve Ditkoʼs character “The Question”, a right wing libertarian vigilante inspired by his creatorʼs deep devotion to Ayn Randʼs “objectivist” philosophy. I used the gutters to construct dense patterns and forms, squeezing what remains of the images into smaller and smaller containers.
“Evental Site”, with its splitting diagonal trajectories, refers to the energy, dynamism, and power of the excluded part of a situation which canʼt be classified or named.
“Pure Multiplicity” is an explication of the impossibility of the one, or totality. The motif of an uneven brick wall is presented as an “inconsistent multiple”, a basic, primary hypothesis of what can be inferred to have existed before that time when it was counted, or named in its consistency.
"Nicht Versöhnt" and "Generic Procedure" are symbolic representations of the narrative aspects of different political processes. The first maps out a parliamentary democracy, with it's tendency towards fascism and the destruction of time and narrative cohesion. The second, a violent insurrection, which recursively builds a dialectic of its own history and the conditions in which it occurs. The insurrection generates and is guided by an idea, which is represented by a staggered transcription of Dionne Warwick's song "The Windows of The World". Other collages in the series use pages from german
donald duck comic books, which I chose for the even width of the gutters throughout. These explore geometric motifs borrowed from roman and islamic art forms.